标题:Pengaruh Resiko Kredit,Likuiditas,Efisiensi Operasional dan Tingkat Ekonomi Makro Ekonomi Terhadap Kinerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah di Pulau Sumatera
摘要:The purpose of this study was to obtain the empirical evidence about the effect of credit risk,liquidity,operational efficiency and the macro-economic level to the the performance of regional development banks.This study population was eight Regional Development Banks in Sumatera Island during 2011-2014.Analysis technique used is multiple linear regression.The results showed simultaneously,all the independent variables affected the dependent variable.Partially,only credit risk and efficiency negatively affected the performance of the bank.Liquidity and macro-economic level did not have positive influence on the bank's performance.
关键词:the performance of banks;credit risk;liquidity;operational efficiency and macro-economic level