摘要:In modern business,there is the awareness that the success of a company also depends on the perception of employees about the company they work in.Th erefore,increasing attention is paid to the research of internal corporate communication.A lot of marketing agencies have used a new methodology for measuring and improving internal communication in corporations in recent decades.It is the so-called “think-feel-do” model that represents the theory of cognitive,emotional and behavioral brain research,but also a model that provides a specifi c impact on each of these elements of internal communication in particular.Th erefore,this method is based on the research of three segments of internal communication and fi nding the concrete solutions for their improvement.Th is is a new approach to internal communication in companies.It transcends the traditional concepts of research of this phenomenon so far.It is believed that this method will dominate the research of communication systems in the following period,that is,it is a technique for the future of enhanced internal corporate communication.
其他摘要:U savremenom poslovanju sazreva svest da je za uspeh kompanije važna i percepcija zaposlenih o kompaniji u kojoj rade.Stoga se sve veća pažnja posvećuje istraživanju korporativne interne komunikacije.Mnoge marketinške agencije poslednjih decenija koriste jednu novu metodologiju za merenje i unapređenje interne komunikacije u korporacijama.Reč je o tzv.„razmili-oseti-uradi“ („think-feel-do“) modelu koji zastupa teoriju istraživanja kognitivnog,emotivnog i bihevioralnog dela mozga,ali i o modelu koji omogućava specifi čan uticaj na svaki od ovih elemenata interne komunikacije posebno.Osnovni cilj rada je da na primeru studije slučaja uz pomoć „think-feel-do“ metode istraži uticaj korporativne intere komunikacje na efi kasnost poslovanja.