首页    期刊浏览 2025年03月01日 星期六


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  • 作者:Sandra Cvetko ; Anica Hunjet ; Goran Kozina
  • 期刊名称:Časopis za Ekonomiju i Tržišne Komunikacije
  • 印刷版ISSN:2232-8823
  • 电子版ISSN:2232-9633
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 卷号:10
  • 期号:2
  • 页码:315-336
  • DOI:10.7251/EMC1502315C
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Paneuropean University Apeiron
  • 摘要:The organization is a group of people who enable the achievement of a common goal using their own efforts.Organizing is a process which has two specifi c parts: the structure of a company and coordination of human resources.They are both very important and almost indispensable in business economics and the modern business world.Therefore,in the context of this defi nition,University North is seen as an organizational unit with all its features,i.e.advantages and problems.An organization (manufacturing or service) cannot be imagined and cannot operate or survive in the market unless the proper,timely and quality selection of the organizational structure together with its maintainance and improvement are taken into account.Having that in mind,certain problems have been noticed in the organization of University North which hamper its eff ectiveness.Student service,as one of the organizational units,contributes to its work and it is very important for the total satisfaction of the most important subjects – students,teachers and other interested parties.Based on many years of work in student service and previous knowledge,it has been noticed that the eff ectiveness of tasks carried out by student services are not at the expected and required level,i.e.it is possible to increase their efficiency to a higher level by reorganization and certain improvements.Th e effi ciency and eff ectiveness of student services is determined by the satisfaction of students and all other stakeholders – teachers,workers,graduates,employers,associates,and others.The paper presents an analysis and research of a better organization with the purpose of improving the organization and effi ciency of student services at University North.Upon recognizing and defi ning the problems for this research,the data has been collected in order to get an insight into the current situation,which is generally defi ned by the hypotheses.Using surveys,this research examines the students’ satisfaction/dissatisfaction regarding the services provided by student services on a daily basis.Do students of University North consider that student service provides quality services and is available to them? Upon collecting the data,an analysis has been conducted,i.e.the situation has been studied so as to fi nd propositions for improvement.Various tools and methods were used in that part of the paper in order to enable the observation of the optimum alternative to the solution.The research results will serve as indicators of how to increase the student satisfaction with regard to the work of student service and how to improve work efficiency of student service.
  • 其他摘要:Organizacija je skupina ljudi koja svojim naporom omogućuje ostvarenje nekog zajedničkog cilja.Organiziranje je proces koji ima dvije specifične strane,strukturu poduzeća i koordiniranje ljudskim resursima i one su veoma bitne i gotovo nezaobilazne u poslovnoj ekonomiji i suvremenom poslovnom svijetu.U tom kontekstu definicije promatra se i Sveučilište Sjever kao organizacijska jedinica sa svim svojim karakteristikama,odnosno prednostima i problemima.Bilo koja organizacija (proizvodna ili uslužna) ne može se zamisliti i poslovati te opstati na tržištu ukoliko ne vodi računa o pravilnom,pravovremenom i kvalitetnom odabiru organizacijske strukture,ali i održavanju i unapređenju iste.Sukladno rečenom i u organizaciji Sveučilišta Sjever uočavaju se različiti problemi koji sputavaju njegovu učinkovitost.Studentska služba kao jedna od organizacijskih cjelina doprinosi njegovom radu i vrlo je bitno za ukupno zadovoljstvo najvažnijih subjekata,a to su studenti,nastavnici i sve ostale zainteresirane strane.Dugogodišnjim radom u studentskoj službi,te prethodnim spoznajama,uočilo se da efikasnost poslova koje obavljaju studentske službe nisu na očekivanoj i zahtjevanoj razini,odnosno da je moguće preustrojem i nekim poboljšanjima podići njihovu efikasnost na višu razinu.Efikasnost i učinkovitost studentske službe određena je zadovoljstvom studenata kao i svih zainteresiranih strana,odnosno nastavnika,djelatnika,završenih studenata,poslodavaca,vanjskih suradnika i dr.Rad predstavlja analizu i istraživanje boljeg ustroja u cilju poboljšanja organizacije i efikasnosti rada studentske službe Sveučilišta Sjever.Nakon uočavanja i definiranja problema za ovo istraživanje pristupilo se prikupljanju podataka i informacija,kako bi se došlo do spoznaje o trenutnom stanju,a koje je načelno definirano kroz postavljene hipoteze.Ovim istraživanjem,putem anketa,ispitalo se koliko su studenti zadovoljni/nezadovoljni uslugama koje im svakodnevno pruža studentska služba.Smatraju li studenti Sveučilišta Sjever da studentska služba kvalitetno pruža usluge i stoji im na raspolaganju? Nakon prikupljenih podataka pristupilo se njihovoj analizi,odnosno proučavanju stanja kako bi se došlo do prijedloga za poboljšanje rada.U tom dijelu rada korišteni su različiti alati i metode kako bi se uočila optimalna varijanta rješenja.
  • 关键词:student service;students;efficiency;reorganization
  • 其他关键词:studentska služba;studenti;efikasnost;reorganizacija