摘要:East Manggarai Regency is a new autonomous region of the division of Manggarai Regency in East Nusa Tenggara Province.As a new district,the area must be developed based on the dominant potentials in the region so that the regional government is more flexibel to design appropriate regional development strategy and create a conducive investment climate to attract investors to the area.The purpose of research is to identify potential sectors that can be developed and provide more economic value,evaluating existing landuse based on land capability and formulate East Manggarai District development strategies.The method used is the input-output analysis combined with analysis of LQ,LI,SI and SSA to determine the dominant sectors and leading commodity,image interpretation and analysis of land capability and SWOT analysis to formulate a regional development strategy.The results showed that the leading sectors in East Manggarai district consists ofthe food crops,the manufacturing sector and the non-oil sectorand the trade sector.Based on the ability of the land,there are many areas that are not their designation as the management of extreme farm lands.Thus,it needs the appropriate strategy in the management of the territory through conducive government policies to the development of the leading sectorsEast Manggarai Regency is a new autonomous region of the division of Manggarai Regency in East Nusa Tenggara Province.As a new district,the area must be developed based on the dominant potentials in the region so that the regional government is more flexibel to design appropriate regional development strategy and create a conducive investment climate to attract investors to the area.The purpose of research is to identify potential sectors that can be developed and provide more economic value,evaluating existing landuse based on land capability and formulate East Manggarai District development strategies.The method used is the input-output analysis combined with analysis of LQ,LI,SI and SSA to determine the dominant sectors and leading commodity,image interpretation and analysis of land capability and SWOT analysis to formulate a regional development strategy.The results showed that the leading sectors in East Manggarai district consists ofthe food crops,the manufacturing sector and the non-oil sectorand the trade sector.Based on the ability of the land,there are many areas that are not their designation as the management of extreme farm lands.Thus,it needs the appropriate strategy in the management of the territory through conducive government policies to the development of the leading sectors.
其他摘要:Kabupaten Manggarai Timur merupakan sebuah daerah otonom baru,hasil pemekaran dari Kabupaten Manggarai di wilayah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur.Sebagai sebuah Kabupaten baru,daerah ini perlu dikembangkan berdasarkan potensi-potensi unggulan daerah sehingga Pemerintah Daerah lebih leluasa untuk merancang strategi pengembangan wilayah yang tepat dan menciptakan iklim investasi yang kondusif untuk menarik minat para investor ke daerah ini.Penelitian ini bertujuanmengidentifikasi potensi-potensi unggulan yang dapat dikembangkan dan memberikan nilai ekonomi lebih,mengevaluasi penggunaan lahan eksisting berdasarkan kemampuan lahandan merumuskan strategi pengembangan wilayah Kabupaten Manggarai Timur.Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis input-output dipadu dengan analisis LQ dan SSA untuk mengetahui sektor unggulan dan komoditas unggulan,interpretasi citra dan analisis kemampuan lahan serta analisis SWOT untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan wilayah.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sektor-sektor unggulan di daerah ini terdiri atas sektor tanaman bahan makanan,sektor industri pengolahan nonmigas dan sektor perdagangan.Berdasarkan kemampuan lahan,masih banyak kawasan yang tidak sesuai peruntukannya seperti pengelolaan usahatani di lahan-lahan ekstrim.Dengan demikian,perlu strategi yang tepat dalam mengelola wilayah lewat kebijakan-kebijakan Pemerintah yang kondusif bagi perkembangan sektor-sektor unggulan tersebut.