摘要:Bank of the market institutions of special importance.One of the key role of banks is to preserve private and public savings.The importance of saving for the level of investment and economic development is enormous.This points to the importance of banks.They are the market institutions of special importance because the level of efficiency of their function greatly determines the efficiency of the economy.Hence the importance of regulating their business.The level of state regulation is controversial in theory and in practice is subject to change.
其他摘要:Banke su tržišne institucije od posebnog značaja.Jedna od ključnih uloga banaka je očuvanje privatne i javne štednje.Značaj štednje za nivo investicija i ekonomski razoj zemlje je ogroman.To ukazuje i na značaj banaka.One su tržišne institucije od posebnog značaja jer nivo efikasnosti njihovog funkcionisanja u mnogome opredeljuje efikasnost privrede.Otuda i značaj regulisanja njihovog poslovanja.Nivo državne regulative je u teoriji sporan a u praksi se menjao.