摘要:This study aims to analyze the impact of school operational assistance (BOS) program on the dropout rate of school during the post-rising fuel prices using difference in difference (DID) approach. BOS program is a further development of the social safety net programs (JPS) education of the government in the period of 1998-2003 and a reduction in fuel subsidy compensation program implemented over 2003-2005. The results showed that the impact of BOS on the dropout rate of students aged 7-15 years, during the period investigated in this study was lower than those who did not receive BOS fund, but it was not statistically significant. Meanwhile, if the account of the research is to be limited to the influence of students aged 16-20 years who had previously received the benefit of BOS, it shows that BOS program had a positive influence to the dropout rates of school. However, children aged 16-20 years who had not previously received benefits BOS program have negatively affect to the dropout rates of school. Based on this fact, the benefit of the BOS proram following the fuel price hike in Indonesia during the research period did not seem to be particularly effective in reducing the dropout rates of school.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak bantuan BOS teriiadap tingkat putus sekolah selama kenaikan harga BBM dengan menggunakan pendekatan difference in deference (DID). Program BOS adalah lanjutan dari program Jaring Pengaman Sosial (JPS) pada bidang pendidikan pada kunm 1998-2003, sekaligus juga sebagai program kompensasi pengurangan subsidi BBM yang dilaksanakan kurun 2003-2005. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dampak bantuan BOS terhadap siswa usia 7-15 tahun terhadap tingkat putus sdama periode penelitian lebih rendah daripada yang tidak menerima bantuan BOS, namun tidak signifikan secara statistik Sementara itu, jika yang dihitung hanya dibatasi pada penganih siswa usia 16-20 tahun yang sebelunmya telah menerima manfaat BOS maka terlihat bahwa program BOS memiliki penganih positif terhadap tingkat putus sekolah. Namun, anak yang berusia 16-20 tahun yang sebelumnya tidak menerima manfaat program BOSjustru berpengaruh negatif terhadap tingkat putus sekolah. Berdasarkan pada kenyataan tersebut, manfaat program BOS setdah kenaikan BBM di Indonesia selama periode penelitian masih belum efektif dalam menurunkan tingkat putus sekolah.
关键词:school operational assistance (BOS) program;dropout rate of school;rise offiiel price in Indonesia;diference-in-difference
其他关键词:program BOS;tingkat putus sekolah;kenaikan harga BBM di Indonesia;difference-in-difference