摘要:Regarding the importance of health care providers such as nurses who have always been in stressful environment,it is clearly important for the hospital administration to employ supportive behaviors and create much more supportive atmosphere for the nurses who are reportedly sensitive and responsive to the situation in which they work.Thus,the conclusions are particularly useful for hospitals.The aim of this study is to test an exploratory model by investigating the mediating effect of organization engagement in relationship between perceived supervisor support and intention to leave.Methods: This is a cross-sectional quantitative study.A random sample of nurses working at Faghihi Hospital (n=179) completed a standard survey questionnaire consisting of questions about the perceived supervisor support,intention to leave as well as organization engagement.For testing the hypotheses of the study,the results were analyzed through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using LISREL 8.8 based on t-value significant levels of higher or lower than +1.96 and -1.96,respectively.Results: The data revealed the high reliability and validity (based on Cronbach’s alpha,composite reliability,convergent and discriminant validities) which were suitable for further analyses.SEM revealed that supervisor support was indirectly and negatively related to intention to leave through organization engagement.The proposed direct link between the supervisor support and intention to leave was not found to be significant (-1.96≤t-value≤+1.96).Conclusion: This article contributes to the literature by being the first to study the mediating effect of organization engagement on perceived supervisor support and intention to leave in the context of a Hospital in Shiraz.
关键词:Perceived Supervisors Support;Intention to Leave;Organization Engagement;Faghihi Hospital;Iran