摘要:Work and family lives has been defined as the two most central parts of human life.There is an extensive literature about the work and family interaction.And,the most studied concept in the work family literature is work family conflict.Because,in the past,work and family interactions suggested that having more than one role negatively affects individual health and performance.Since the construct of work family conflict was introduced,a large body of literature has examined its causes and consequences.Especially,work family conflict has been examined quite often in human resource management and organizational psychology literature (Marchese,et al.,2002).These two fieldshave great importanceof the individual's life.But on the other hand demands and interests of work and family lives overlappingwith each other andconstantlyseen asthe enemy.Research inthe last few years show that,work family conflict cannot fully explainthe interaction betweenwork and familylife.Researchers havefocused onthe negative effects ofwork andfamily lifeon each other,but they ignored that these two fields can makepositive impacts oneach other.In recent years,along withthe impact of positivepsychology it was noticed that thework and familylifecan makea positive contribution toeach other,so that the concept of “work family spillover” was emerged.Contrary to the traditional belief of work family conflict which implies more than one role brings negative results,there are rewards from participating in multiple roles,including enriched resources and development of personalities.In following years,benefits of having more than one role proved furthermore,by other researchers and these findings build up the spillover theory.However,in recent years people realized that having more than one role raises individual resources,so the work family spillover concept was built up.According to this concept participation in one role positively affects the performance in the other role.Researches on work family spillover showed that balancing work and family roles by spilling over increase work performance (Grzywacz and Marks,2000).Positive events from one role (work/family) may spill over and facilitate functioning in the other role (family/work).At the same time negative events from one role (work/family) may spill over and undermine functioning in the other role.The concept of “work family spillover” arose from this circle.The work family spillover concept has four dimensions;positive work-family spillover,positive family-work spillover,negative work-family spillover and negative family-work spillover.A number of studies support that the skills and behaviors from one role affect the other role (Crouter,1984),so the work family spillover become an important concept for work family literature.Previous researches determined that work family spillover concept has both positive and negative consequences on organizational and family lives.This study examines the concept of work family spillover and includes the adaptation of the Work Family Spillover Scale.We used the 14-item scale developed by Grzywacz and Marks (2000) to measure the different types and directions of relationship between work and family.Four distinct work family spillover dimensions represented in the scale.The dimensions are: negative work-family spillover,negative family-work spillover,positive family-work spillover and positive work-family spillover.The scale developed by Grzywacz and Marks (2000) translated to the Turkish through necessary process developed by Brislin and colleagues (1973).Then the validity and reliability of Turkish form of Work Family Spillover Scale examined.The results have been carried out on the data from two different samples.The samples consist of 150 academic personnel and 320 private sector employees.According to the confirmatory factor analysis 2 items dropped from the original scale,and the 4 dimension,12 item scale confirmed.The items which are deleted are “Activities and chores at home prevent you from getting the amount of sleep you need to do your job well.” and “Responsibilities at home reduce the effort you can devote to your job.” Criterion validity of the scale is also computed with using the performance scale.The reliability of all dimensions of work family spillover was computed for two samples,and all of them was,70 and over.Findings of the study have shown that Turkish form of the Work Family Spillover Scale is a valid and reliable instrument that can be used in measuring the level of work family spillover in our country.
其他摘要:Bu çalışmada,iş aile yayılımı kavramı incelenerek,Grzywacz ve Marks (2000) tarafından geliştirilmiş olan İş Aile Yayılımı Ölçeği’nin Türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirliğinin sınanması amaçlanmıştır.Çalışma iki farklı örneklemden (n=150,n=320) elde edilen verilerle yürütülmüştür.Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonuçlarına göre,orijinal ölçekten 2 madde çıkarılmış ve ölçek 4 boyut ve 12 ifade ile doğrulanmıştır.Ayrıca işgören performansı ölçeğinden yararlanılarak,ölçeğin ölçüt bağımlı geçerliliği de sağlanmıştır.Güvenilirlik analizi sonuçlarına göre,her iki örnek için deölçek,70 ve üzerinde iç tutarlılık katsayılarına ulaşmıştır.Elde edilen sonuçlar,Türkçe’ye uyarlaması yapılan ölçeğin,ülkemizde iş aile yayılım düzeyinin ölçülmesinde geçerli ve güvenilir olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir.
关键词:Work Family Spillover;Work Family Spillover Scale;Validity Analysis;Reliability Analysis
其他关键词:İş Aile Yayılımı;İş Aile Yayılımı Ölçeği;Geçerlilik Analizi;Güvenilirlik Analizi