摘要:Nowadays,flexibility and rapid changes,leaders care for the needs of the individual,aim at commitment of individuals by addressing at their feelings and spirits,share what they learn with their subordinates and encourages them to produce new ideas and creative solutions,try to develop values like respect,love and altruism in the organization (Shamir,2001:112).So,Intelligence Quotient (IQ) isn‟t enough to be successful in leadership.Successful leaders should have other qualities,too.One of them is Spiritual Intelligence (SQ).Spiritual Intelligence ensures leaders to encourage the employee towards organizational goals by observing their spirits,meeing their needs and motivating them by showing meaningful and valuable things.The aim of this study is to investigate “spiritual intelligence”.In the direction to this aim,spiritual intelligence is defined,spiritual intellince in leadership is explained.Also there is a field reseach in the study.Because of restricted studies on this topic (Aydıntan,2009),this study expected to contribute to the literature on spiritual intelligence inTurkey.As a result leaders express that they own the characteristics of spiritual intelligence.This research indicates the importance of spiritual intelligence in leadership and provides knowledge for further studies The first researchers of spiritual intelligence were Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall.According to Zohar and Marshall (2000),although spiritual intelligence was a sort of ability that is as old as the history of humanity,the mankind does not have much knowledge about it since the science is not yet ready for the situations that cannot be measured objectively.
其他摘要:Günümüzdeki esneklik,hareketlilik ve hızlı değiĢimler,liderlikte baĢarı için zihinsel zekanın (IQ) yetmeyeceği ve baĢarılı liderlerin baĢka birtakım yeteneklere sahip olması gerektiği fikrini ortaya çıkarmıĢtır.Bu yeteneklerden bir tanesi de ruhsal zeka (SQ)‟dır.Ruhsal zeka,liderlerin,çalıĢanları örgütsel amaçların gerçekleĢtirilmesi yönünde teĢvik edebilmeleri için onların ruh hallerini gözlemleyip,ruhsal ihtiyaçlarını karĢılayabilmelerini ve onlara anlamlı ve değerli olan Ģeyleri göstererek motive olmalarını sağlamaktadır.Bu çalıĢmada,liderlikte ruhsal zeka kavramsal olarak incelenmiĢ ve liderlerin ruhsal zeka özellikleri ile ilgili bir alan araĢtırması yapılmıĢtır.AraĢtırma bulgularına göre liderler ruhsal zeka ile ilgili yargılara genellikle katılmaktadırlar.Bu bulgular,liderlikte ruhsal zekanın önemine iĢaret etmekte,ilerde yapılacak araĢtırmalar için bilgi sağlamaktadır.
关键词:Spiritual Intelligence;characteristics of spiritual intelligence;leadership