摘要:Bu eser,Post-Keynesyen teori hakkinda bir literatur calismasi olup,bu yaklasimin ozelliklerini ve ozellikle klasik ekonomik yaklasima getirmis oldugu kritigi ortaya koyar.Post-Keynesyenler,Keynes’in klasikler tarafindan yanlis yorumlandigini ortaya koyarken,onun goruslerinin otantik bir yorumunu yaparlar ve Keynes’in goruslerinden heteredox olanlarindan etkilenirken,kapitalist ekonominin gelisimini institutional yaklasim icerisinde degerlendirirler.
其他摘要:This paper presents a survey of Post-Keynesian economic theory and its criticism against the framework of neoclassical macroeconomics.The Post-Keynesians have emphasize how the ideas of Keynes were mistakenly incorporated with classical theory and propose an authentic interpretation of Keynes,focusing on the heterodox elements and discarding the more conservatives ones and attempt to incorporate the institutional framework of a capitalist economy,as well as the evolution of this institutional framework over time.