出版社:Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühing (Estonian Association for Applied Linguistics)
摘要:The article reports the findings of a survey among 440 teachers of English in Estonia who participate in the oral proficiency interview of the national examination in the English language as interviewers.Examining the results of the questionnaire statement by statement,the study reveals that interviewer behavioural patterns emerge during the interview,some of them threatening its validity.The understanding of interviewer competence is very diverse among the interviewers and the degree to which they adhere to the standards defined for the interviewers of national examination in the English langage in Estonia is sometimes quite low.The interviewers are often unable to separate their role as an interviewer from being a teacher;they transfer their teaching behaviour to the interviewing situation.The teachers have difficulties with identification of appropriate accommodation strategies as well as controlling the extent of interaction between the interviewer and the assessor.The authors suggest a number of interviewer training strategies to combat the problems.*.
其他摘要:Uurimuse käigus küsitleti 440 inglise keele õpetajat.Ankeetküsitluse eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada suulist keelepädevustesti läbiviivate intervjueerijate sellised käitumismustrid,mis võiksid vähendada inglise keele riigieksami tulemuste valiidsust ning mille põhjal oleks võimalik intervjueerijate koolitusi planeerida.Uurimus näitas,et intervjueerijate arusaam oma kutsestandardist varieerub märkimisväärselt.Intervjueerijad ei suuda sageli eristada enda kui õpetaja ja enda kui intervjueerija rolle,ei valda sobivaid kohandumustehnikaid ega tunne intervjueerija ja hindaja vahelise suhtlemise protokolli.Nende probleemide lahendamiseks esitatakse artiklis mitmeid vajalikke koolitusstrateegiaid.