摘要:Data collected by the World Health Organization indicate that a great number of people who are pro_fessionally active feel continuously liable to various stress determinants in their work. Focusing on the convicted and on people on probation and,at the same time,completely neglecting the personnel working with the convicts or former convicts and the workload the staff experiences as a result of their service is specific not only to the Polish but also to the English-language literature. That is why it needs to be emphasized that Łukasz Wirkus’s book is the first thorough Polish study of the issue of probation officers’ job stress,even more valuable if we consid?er the fact that it is an empirical study. The author stresses that the relation between a probation officer and their subject is a very peculiar one,often bur?dened by enormous individual costs. It is connected with the nature of probation officers’ work,but their personality traits,which influence the effectiveness of the undertaken tasks,are also extremely important in this context.