摘要:MLucinous carcinoma (MC) of the breast is a distinctive,well differentiated type of adenocar- cinoma,constituting 2% of breastcancers (1,2) Pure : MC of breast has been reported to have a more favourable prognosis than other well differentiated adenocarcinomas of breast,with a lower frequency of axillary node metastasis and excellent short-term prognosis,especially when the tumor measures less than5 cm in diamctr. Fine needle aspirationcytology (FNAC) has been described to yield copious amounts ofmucinous material in mucinous carcinoma. The tumor cells have been described as being gnerally smalland fairty uniform with minimalatypia,and this may give a false impressionof "benignancy",a term used to describe this uncommon condition. The present report describes an 82-year-old female presentingwitha right breastlump,diagnosed on FNAC of right axillary lymph node as metastatic carcinoma. Diagnosis of mucinous carcinoma was given on histopathology.