期刊名称:Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport/Science, Movement and Health
出版社:Ovidius University Press
摘要:Aim.Study bibliography.The collection and tabulation of the following parameters: performances,date of the result,date of birth,citizenship,place of competition and the place of athletes outdoor all time.Processing statistical and mathematical data specified above,regarding the following indicators: number of cases,maximum value,minimum value,amplitude,mode,median,average,quartile 1,3,quartile difference,dispersion,average of absolute deviation,standard deviation,coefficient of variation and percentage.Evaluation of the results and their interpretation.Methods.As a research method we have used the case study,observation,statistics and graphics.Results.After data processing have resulted 9 summary tables and 4 graphs.Conclusions.The competition is significantly higher in men than in women.To get good results in international competitions men must obtain less than 3:49.36 and women 4:19.16.Women are well represented in the top by 6 athletes,while men have no athlete.