摘要:The paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of the term “Initial Public Offering” as it is defined in foreign literature and specifies how it differs from the present-day approach to this term in Czech literature.Based on the acquired knowledge,the Czech equivalent of “Initial Public Offering” is proposed while respecting its essential meaning and substance.
其他摘要:V lánku jsou p_edstaveny výsledky komparativní analýzy zahraniních definicí pojmu „Initial Public Offering“ a vymezeny odlišnosti od soudobého p?ístupu k tomuto pojmu v eské literatu?e.Na základ získaných poznatk je navržen eský ekvivalent pro „Initial Public Offering“,který respektuje jeho hlavní význam a podstatu.
关键词:IPO;stock;initial public offering of securities;primary market