摘要:Development of the management is linked with the fully applicable term of globalization and its consequences. Development is connected with importance of the quality and quantity of knowledge,which the economic activity depends on. One of important interpretations of the modern management is knowledgeable society and with it bears also knowledge management,integrated management. Its objective,purpose and main function is to “satisfy the customer’s needs by the environment-integrated method”. For the time being the concept,rather recommending to use the time-tested and successful procedures,seems to prevail over creation of new theories with their subsequent application. Interpretation of the integrated management is determined by the ISO 19 000 standard focused mainly on the Integrated Management. Its objective,purpose and main function is to “satisfy the customer’s needs by the environment-integrated method”,by consistent audit of the managerial systems and processes of the organization. At the same time it is necessary to integrate the processes,procedures,systems and technologies (“know-how”) of the historically implemented general management in favour of continuous improvement of quality,performance,efficacy,economic efficiency,environmental thrift,operability and interoperability of the managed systems. One of possible ways is search for the so called “Clever practices”.
其他摘要:lánek je zam__en na sou_ství,kdy je od managementu požadováno dosahovat vysoké výkonnosti,dlouhodobé prosperity a plného uspokojování požadavk všech zú_astn_ných (vlastník,zam_stnanc,dodavatel,apod.) a také uspokojování pot_eb a požadavk zákazník. Cílem sou?asného managementu je nalézt sjednocující p_ístup,který vrátí management k jeho výlunému postavení jednotného a vrcholového vedení podniku ve všech jejích sou?ástech a procesech. Výsledkem sjednocujícího p?ístupu managementu je integrovaný management,který by také zahrnoval užívat osv?d?ené a úsp?šné postupy,tzv.CHYTRÉ PRAKTIKY.
其他关键词:Konkurence;znalostní;procesní a integrovaný management;chytré praktiky.