摘要:In 1868,after more than four centuries,the Principality of Serbia decided to rebuild national monetary system in line with the minting standards of the Latin Monetary Union.The paper explains the international circumstances in which this decision was made and analyzes a specific plan created for the implementation of monetary reform.Because of the general shortage of small coins in circulation,Serbia decided firstly to mint domestic copper and small silver coins,and subsequently larger denominations of silver and gold coins.The research is based on archival documents of the State Council of the Principality of Serbia that are kept in the Archives of Serbia in Belgrade.
其他摘要:Kneževina Srbija je 1868.godine donela odluku da posle više od četiri veka obnovi kovanje nacionalnog novca po uzoru na standarde Latinske kovničke unije.U radu se objašnjavaju međunarodne okolnosti u kojima je doneta ova odluka i analizira se specifičan plan za sproveđenje monetarne reforme.Zbog opšte nestašice sitnog novca u opticaju,Srbija će odlučiti da najpre počne sa kovanjem domaćeg bakarnog i sitnog srebrnog novca,pa tek onda sa kovanjem krupnijih apoena srebrnog,kao i zlatnog novca.Istraživanje je zasnovano na arhivskim dokumentima Državnog saveta Kneževine Srbije koji se čuvaju u Arhivu Srbije u Beogradu.
关键词:national currency;French minting standards;Latin Monetary Union;Principality of Serbia
其他关键词:nacionalni novac;kovnički standardi Francuske;Latinska novčana unija;Kneževina Srbija