摘要:Recent studies have tested the potential use of herbicides (glyphosate) and some toxins,at reduced doses,in inducing the hormesis effect.Since it is impossible to predict a hormetic response,as well as the factors influencing the stimulation of the desired properties and the occurrence of possible adverse effects,the application of sublethal doses of glyphosate remains only within the scope of scientific research.The aim of this study was to test the effects of sublethal doses of glyphosate on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.).The application of glyphosate was foliar,in four different sublethal doses: 1.8,3.6,7.2 and 36 g ai ha-1.Morphological parameters such as root length,stem height and fresh weight of whole plants were measured.The maximum stimulation of stem growth and fresh weight of treated plants were determined for the 1.8 g ai ha-1 glyphosate treatment,while the effect of stimulation was reduced in the treatments with 3.6 and 7.2 g ai ha-1 of glyphosate.Inhibition of all of the morphological parameters which were tested was determined for the highest glyphosate dose applied (36 g ai ha-1).When observing the stem growth parameter,statistically significant differences were observed between the plants in control and the plants treated with 36 g ai ha-1 of glyphosate,between the plants treated with 1.8 g ai ha-1 and 36 g ai ha-1 of glyphosate,and between the treatments with 3.6 g ai ha-1 and 36 g ai ha-1 of glyphosate.
其他摘要:U istraživanjima novijeg datuma ispituje se potencijalna upotreba herbicida (glifosata) i nekih toksina,u smanjenim količinama radi indukovanja hormezis efekta.Zbog nemogućnosti predviđanja hormetičkog odgovora,faktora koji utiču na stimulaciju željenih osobina i mogućih štetnih pojava,primene subletalnih količina glifosata ostaju u okviru naučnih istraživanja.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio testiranje delovanja subletalnih količina glifosata na biljke zelene salate (Lactuca sativa L.).Glifosat je primenjen folijarno,pri čemu su primenjene četiri različite subletalne količine: 1,8,3,6,7,2,36 g a.s.ha-1.Mereni su morfološki parametri kao što su dužina korena,visina stabla i sveža masa biljaka.Maksimum stimulacije rasta stabla i sveže mase tretiranih biljaka utvrđeni su pri primeni glifosata u količini od 1,8 g a.s.ha-1,dok je pri količinama od 3,6,7,2 i 36 g a.s.ha-1 došlo do inhibicije rasta i redukcije mase biljaka.Minimum inhibicija svih ispitivanih morfoloških parametara je utvrđena pri korišćenju količine glifosata od 36 g a.s.ha-1.Dobijene su statistički značajne razlike u porastu stabla između biljaka u kontroli i biljaka tretiranih količinom glifosata od 36 g a.s.ha-1,između biljaka tretiranih količinom 1,8 g a.s.ha-1 i 36 g a.s.ha-1 kao i između biljaka izloženih 3,6 g a.s.ha-1 glifosata i 36 g a.s.ha-1.
关键词:glyphosate;sublethal amounts;hormesis effect;Lactuca sativa L.
其他关键词:glifosat;subletalne količine;hormezis efekat;Lactuca sativa L.