摘要:Field trials were conducted in 2010 and 2011 to determine johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.) control and maize tolerance to selected new herbicides.The following combinations of post-emergence herbicides were tested: nicosulfuron + dicamba + diflufenzopyr-Na (Celebrity Plus),rimsulfuron + nicosulfuron + dicamba (Cordus plus),nicosulfuron + mesotrione (Elumis OD 105) and foramsulfuron + thiencarbazone-methyl + cyprosulfamid (Monsoon active).Efficacy of selected new herbicides was equal to or better than the standard herbicides.Special attention was paid to the efficacy of Monsoon active,applied with and without the application of products Merlin Flexx (isoxaflutole + cyprosulfamid) and Adengo (isoxaflutole + thiencarbazone-methyl + cyprosulfamid).Higher corn yields were achieved by the combined action of Merlin Flexx or Adengo applied pre-emergence,and Monsoon active applied post-emergence.
其他摘要:U dvogodišnjim poljskim ogledima ispitivana je efikasnost novih folijarnih herbicida u suzbijanju divljeg sirka iz rizoma i semena u kukuruzu.Ispitivane su sledeće gotove kombinacije herbicida: nikosulfuron + dikamba + diflufenzopir-Na (Celebrity plus),rimsulfuron + nikosulfuron + dikamba (Cordus plus),nikosulfuron + mezotrion (Elumis 105 OD) i foramsulfuron + tienkarbazon-metil + ciprosulfamid (Monsoon active).Efikasnost ispitivanih herbicida bila je na nivou ili bolja od efikasnosti standardnih herbicida.Poseban osvrt dat je na efikasnost preparata Monsoon active,primenjenog sa i bez prethodne primene novih preparata Merlin flexx (izoksaflutol + ciprosulfamid) i Adengo (izoksaflutol + tienkarbazon-metil + ciprosulfamid).Veći prinosi kukuruza ostvareni su ukoliko je preparatu Monsoon active prethodila primena preparata Merlin flexx i Adengo.Razlog nije bila bolja ukupna efikasnost u suzbijanju divljeg sirka posle primene Monsoon active,već smanjenje konkurentskog uticaja korova do momenta njegove primene.