首页    期刊浏览 2024年12月16日 星期一


  • 标题:Validity and reliability of the Academic Motivation Scale in a sample of Slovenian students
  • 其他标题:Veljavnost in zanesljivost Lestvice akademske motivacije na vzorcu slovenskih študentov
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  • 作者:Melita Puklek Levpušček ; Anja Podlesek
  • 期刊名称:Psihološka Obzorja
  • 电子版ISSN:2350-5141
  • 出版年度:2017
  • 卷号:26
  • 页码:10-20
  • DOI:10.20419/2017.26.461
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Slovenian Psychologists' Association
  • 摘要:In this study we examined construct validity and reliability of the Academic Motivation Scale,College Version (Academic Motivation Scale,AMS-C 28,Vallerand et al.,1992) and its relationship with gender,certainty of study choice and career goals in Slovenian university students.The theoretical basis of AMS is derived from Self-Determination Theory,which identified different types of motivation on a continuum from amotivation to different types of external motivation and intrinsic (self-determined) motivation.The AMS measures multidimensional motivational construct and contains seven scales.The validation sample consisted of 324 students of various studies at the University of Ljubljana.Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis showed an acceptable fit of the original 7-factor structure on Slovenian data and measurement invariance across gender.The highest were correlations among the three factors of intrinsic motivation and among the three factors of external motivation.Current certainty of study choice was positively associated with all three factors of intrinsic motivation and identified regulation,and negatively correlated with amotivation.Extrinsic career goals had low to moderate positive correlations with factors of external motivation while intrinsic career goals correlated positively with the three factors of intrinsic motivation,identified and introjected regulation,and negatively with amotivation.Female students had higher scores on intrinsic motivation to accomplish,and identified and introjected regulation than male students.In sum,the AMS C-28 showed good construct and convergent validity and reliability in Slovenian university context.
  • 其他摘要:V pričujoči študiji sva ugotavljali konstruktno veljavnost ter zanesljivost Lestvice akademske motivacije,verzije za študente (Academic Motivation Scale,AMS-C 28,Vallerand idr.,1992) ter njeno povezanost s spolom,prepričanostjo v pravilno izbiro študija in poklicnimi cilji.AMS temelji na teoriji samodoločenosti,ki opredeljuje različne vrste motivacije na kontinuumu od amotivacije prek različnih vrst zunanje motivacije do notranje (povsem samodoločujoče) motivacije.Meri torej večdimenzionalni motivacijski konstrukt in vsebuje sedem lestvic.V validacijskem vzorcu je sodelovalo 324 študentov različnih smeri študija na Univerzi v Ljubljani.Z večskupinsko konfirmatorno faktorsko analizo sva potrdili sprejemljivo prileganje 7-faktorske strukture slovenskim podatkom in mersko invariantnost pripomočka glede na spol.Najvišje so bile korelacije med tremi faktorji notranje motivacije in med tremi faktorji zunanje motivacije.Trenutna prepričanost v pravilno izbiro študija je bila pozitivno povezana z vsemi tremi faktorji notranje motivacije in identificiranim uravnavanjem ter negativno povezana z amotivacijo.Ekstrinzični poklicni cilji so se nizko do zmerno visoko povezovali s faktorji zunanje motivacije,intrinzični poklicni cilji pa s tremi faktorji notranje motivacije,identificiranim in introjiciranim uravnavanjem ter negativno z amotivacijo.Študentke so imele na lestvicah želje po obvladovanju,identificiranega in introjiciranega uravnavanja višje dosežke od študentov.Lestvica AMS-C 28 ima ustrezno konstruktno in konvergentno veljavnost ter zanesljivost v slovenskem okolju.
  • 关键词:academic motivation;questionnaires;validation;career goals;university students
  • 其他关键词:motivacija za študij;vprašalniki;validacija;poklicni cilji;študenti