摘要:Self-experiencing is synonymous with the phrase “who am I”.Each of us expresses his compliance with social norms and social environment through it.It takes place in different areas of a person’s life and in conjunction with different social roles.The sense of continuity throughout the different periods of life is very important.Stressful events,also difficult injuries and diseases,upset and change the experience of oneself.Schizophrenia and spinal cord injuries can be classified in this category.The results of various studies suggest that in people with schizophrenia diffuse identity is present;in subjects after spinal-cord injury the physical disability is crucial and importantly affects the physical self-image.The main problem of our study was to compare the characteristics of self-experience in people with schizophrenia and those after spinal cord injury.We assumed significant differences in self-experience on different subscales (mainly in the field of social and physical self concept) between the two comparison groups.90 participants were involved in the study,30 in each group (people with schizophrenia,people after spinal cord injury and a control group of people without any present signs of pathology).We applied the Tennessee self-concept scale and the semantic differential assessment of Self.The results showed general low (or even negative) self evaluations in the group of people with schizophrenia,while in the group of people after spinal-cord injury idealization was present.This group of people is under a great influence of defensive mechanisms,which allow the validation of a positive self concept.Important derogations were also shown on some subscales.We believe that the results of the study are especially important in the psychological work with representatives of the two populations.People with schizophrenia should be introduced with the meaning of self-experiencing in different areas,while people after spinal cord injury should be taught how to replace defensive mechanisms with constructive coping strategies which help to experience ourselves objectively.
其他摘要:Doživljanje sebe je sinonim za besedno zvezo “kdo sem”,prek katere vsak izmed nas izraža svojo skladnost s socialnimi normami in z družbenim okoljem.Poteka na različnih področjih posameznikovega življenja in v povezavi z različnimi socialnimi vlogami.Ključnega pomena je občutek kontinuitete skozi različna življenjska obdobja.Stresni dogodki,tudi posameznikove težje poškodbe in bolezni,omajejo in spremenijo doživljanje samega sebe.Prav gotovo lahko v to kategorijo umestimo tudi stanja,značilna za shizofrenijo,in spremembe,ki botrujejo nezgodnim poškodbam hrbtenjače.Rezultati različnih študij nakazujejo pri osebah s shizofrenijo prisotnost razpršene identitete;pri osebah po nezgodni poškodbi hrbtenjače je ključna prizadetost telesne komponente ter s tem telesne samopodobe.Osnovni problem naše študije je predstavljala primerjava značilnosti doživljanja sebe pri osebah s shizofrenijo in tistih po nezgodni poškodbi hrbtenjače.Predpostavili smo pomembne razlike v ocenah različnih področjih doživljanja sebe (predvsem na področju socialne in telesne samopodobe),v smislu nižjih ocen v primerjalnih skupinah.V študijo je bilo vključenih 90 udeleženk in udeležencev,po 30 iz vsake skupine (osebe s shizofrenijo,osebe po nezgodni poškodbi hrbtenjače in kontrolna skupina oseb brez prisotnih znakov patologije),ki so izpolnili vprašalnik Tennesseejska lestvica koncepta sebe ter semantični diferencial Ocena sebe.Rezultati kažejo,da je pri osebah s shizofrenijo vrednotenje sebe na splošno nizko (celo negativno),pri osebah po nezgodni poškodbi hrbtenjače pa idealizirano,pod vplivom obrambno-varovalnega vedenja,ki omogoča potrjevanje pozitivne samopodobe.Menimo,da so izsledki študije pomembni predvsem za usmerjanje psihološkega dela s predstavniki obeh populacij.Pri osebah s shizofrenijo bi bilo zaželeno še dodatno poudariti pomen zaznavanja sebe na različnih področjih,osebe po nezgodni poškodbi hrbtenjače pa bi morali usmerjati k nadomeščanju manj zrelih oblik obrambno-varovalnega vedenja z bolj zrelimi ter s tem k realnejšemu doživljanju sebe.