摘要:The goal of this study was to examine relation between constructs relevant for Gray's neuropsychological model of motivation.According to Gray's theory,two general motivational systems underlie behavior and affect: a behavioral inhibition system (BIS) and a behavioral activation system (BAS).BIS is sensitive to aversive stimuli,causes avoidance behaviors and is responsible for individual differences in anxiety.BAS is responsive to appetitive stimuli,triggers approach behavior and has been associated with individual differences in impulsivness.BIS activity has been related to the experience of negative emotions,whereas BAS activity has been associated with the experience of positive emotions.A total of 122 Slovenian students,aged 17–19 years,completed the BIS/BAS scale,the Impulsiveness-Venturesome-Empathy Scale IVE,State Trait Anxiety Inventory STAI-X2,The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule PANAS,and The Big Five Questionairre BFQ.Our results are consistent with those from recent empirical studies and provide support for Gray's theory.Measures of BIS were found to be positively related to trait anxiety and neuroticism,whereas measures of BAS were found to be positively related to impulsiveness and extraversion.Emotional component measured with PANAS did not distinguish BIS from BAS constructs.Both were found to be related to negative affect.With respect to construct validity these findings suggest that BIS/BAS scale is reasonably effective.
其他摘要:V raziskavi smo želeli preučiti odnose med različnimi psihometričnimi merami,relevantnimi za Grayev psihobiološki model osebnosti.Ta sestoji iz dveh neodvisnih nevrobioloških sistemov,vedenjskega sistema umika (BIS) in vedenjskega sistema približevanja (BAS).BIS je občutljiv na signale kazni in je osnova za izogibalno motivacijo ter individualne razlike v nagnjenosti k anksioznosti,BAS pa je občutljiv na signale nagrade ter predstavlja osnovo za približevalno motivacijo in individualne razlike v nagnjenosti k impulzivnosti.Spremembe pozitivnega afekta lahko razlagamo z aktivacijo BAS sistema,povečanja v negativnem afektu pa z aktivacijo BIS sistema.V raziskavi je sodelovalo 122 dijakov četrtega letnika (82 deklet in 40 fantov),s povprečno starostjo 18,5 let.Uporabili smo Lestvice BIS/BAS,Vprašalnik impulzivnosti IVE,Lestvico anksioznosti STAI-X2,Vprašalnik pozitivne in negativne emocionalnosti PANAS in Vprašalnik velikih pet BFI.Rezultati v skladu z Grayevimi predpostavkami kažejo na povezanost BAS občutljivosti z impulzivnostjo in ekstravertnostjo ter povezanost BIS občutljivosti s potezno anksioznostjo in nevroticizmom.Emocionalna komponenta osebnosti,merjena z vprašalnikom PANAS,pa konstruktov BIS in BAS ne ločuje dobro,saj sta z negativno emocionalnostjo povezana oba.Z raziskavo smo na slovenskem vzorcu potrdili večino ugotovitev tujih študij.Preverjanje konstruktne veljavnosti lestvic BIS in BAS je pokazalo,da so lestvice relativno ustrezne mere izraznosti BIS in BAS sistema.