摘要:The level of social and moral maturity of high-school students was examined.There were almost no significant differences between the students of two different educational programs.In general,the students' level of social and moral maturity is satisfyingly high,but their social skills are not quite appropriately developed.The results of behaviour in school situations reveal a quite unpleasant picture of interpersonal relations,which is probably a reflection of social relations in society.The absence of correlations between both components of maturity and social skills shows the gap between human's reasoning and behaviour.Students know,which behaviour is moral and socially adapted,but they do not always act in congruence with that,because existing social relations often encourage different behaviour.
其他摘要:Ugotavljali smo stopnjo socialne in moralne zrelosti srednješolskih dijakov.Med dijaki dveh različnih izobraževalnih programov skorajda ni bilo pomembnih razlik.Na splošno dijaki dosegajo zadovoljivo visok nivo socialne in moralne zrelosti,vendar nimajo najbolje razvitih ustreznih socialnih spretnosti.Rezultati ravnanja dijakov v šolski situaciji kažejo precej nezaželeno sliko medosebnih odnosov,ki je verjetno odraz širših družbenih odnosov.Odsotnost pomembnih povezav med obema vrstama zrelosti in socialnimi spretnostmi kaže na razkorak med človekovim mišljenjem in vedenjem.Dijaki se zavedajo,kaj je moralno in družbeno prilagojeno,vendar ne ravnajo vedno v skladu s tem,saj obstoječi družbeni odnosi pogosto spodbujajo drugačno vedenje.