摘要:Obesity and overweight in children and adolescents are associated with numerous health conditions,poorer quality of life,emotional and behavioural problems,and,moreover,with poorer peer relationships.In addition to an individual’s genetic predispositions and their personal characteristics,the broader social environment,a child’s family and the parents’ parenting style play an important role in the development of obesity.Therefore,many therapeutic approaches to treating obesity in children target the whole family and almost always require a collaboration of a paediatrician and nutritionist.The article discusses the main principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy in children with obesity and the most commonly used techniques.The described techniques should be integrated in individual or group cognitive-behavioral therapy of an obese or overweight child and his or her family.Some of them can be used separately as a significant contribution to conservative approaches to treating childhood obesity.With young children,the focus should be placed mainly on behavioural techniques and work with parents,while many cognitive techniques designed for adult population can be applied in therapy with adolescents.
其他摘要:Debelost in čezmerna telesna teža pri otrocih in mladostnikih sta povezani s številnimi bolezenskimi stanji,nižjo kakovostjo življenja,čustvenimi težavami in težavami v vrstniških odnosih.Pri razvoju debelosti ima poleg genetskega materiala in osebnostnih značilnosti posameznikov ključno vlogo tudi širše družbeno okolje,otrokova družina in starševski vzgojni slog.Zato so terapevtski ukrepi pri obravnavi debelosti pri otrocih navadno vezani na celotno družino in skoraj vedno je pri tem potrebno sodelovanje z drugimi strokovnjaki,kot sta zdravnik in prehranski strokovnjak.V prispevku so predstavljena glavna načela kognitivno-vedenjske obravnave otrok z debelostjo ter najpogosteje uporabljene tehnike.Opisane tehnike naj bi bile del celostne individualne ali skupinske kognitivno-vedenjske terapije otroka s čezmerno telesno težo oz.debelostjo in njegove družine,nekatere pa so uporabne tudi posamezno in lahko veliko prispevajo h klasičnim oz.konservativnim programom za obravnavo debelosti.Pri mlajših otrocih se osredinimo predvsem na delo s starši in na vedenjske tehnike,medtem ko lahko pri mladostnikih že uporabljamo kognitivne tehnike,ki so bile razvite pretežno za odraslo populacijo.