摘要:A phrase maternal-fetal attachment (MFA) is used to describe a variety of emotions,behaviours,perceptions and cognitions of pregnant woman toward her unborn child.Several scales have been developed for measuring different aspects of MFA.The purpose of this study was to analyse the internal structure and reliability of the Slovenian version of Prenatal Attachment Inventory (PAI;Müller,1993).PAI and a sociodemographic questionnaire were administered to a sample of 619 pregnant women in their second trimester of pregnancy,recruited from Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Ljubljana.Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that a three-factor solution had better fit to the data than a one-factor solution.However,we decided to keep a more parsimonious onefactor solution as there was high overlap between factors in the three-factor solution.We also considered the theoretical background of the PAI and previous studies of its underlying structure.Results showed good reliability of the PAI.PAI is a psychometrically appropriate instrument for use in research setting.
其他摘要:Vez med nosečnico in plodom (angl.maternal-fetal attachment) lahko opredelimo s čustvi,vedenji,zaznavami in mišljenjem,ki jih bodoča mati izraža do ploda.Različne vidike vezi med nosečnico in plodom merijo številne samoocenjevalne lestvice.Namen raziskave je bil analizirati notranjo strukturo in zanesljivost slovenskega prevoda Lestvice vezi med nosečnico in plodom (PAI,Prenatal Attachment Inventory;Müller,1993).V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 619 nosečnic v drugem trimesečju nosečnosti,ki so imele zdravniški pregled v Porodnišnici Ljubljana,Ginekološka klinika,UKC Ljubljana.Nosečnice so izpolnile samoocenjevalno lestvico PAI ter vprašalnik o sociodemografskih spremenljivkah.Konfirmatorna faktorska analiza je pokazala nekoliko boljše prileganje trifaktorskega modela v primerjavi z enofaktorskim modelom,vendar smo se upoštevajoč visoke korelacije med tremi faktorji ter teoretično in empirično utemeljene enofaktorske rešitve iz preteklih raziskav odločili za enofaktorsko strukturo lestvice PAI.Tudi z vidika zanesljivosti je lestvica PAI ustrezen pripomoček za ocenjevanje intenzivnosti vezi med nosečnico in plodom in se lahko uporablja v raziskovalne namene.