摘要:International development in the field of gifted education has become more and more dynamic in recent years.Recently some new institutions have been founded beside ECHA (European Council for High Ability),which is the oldest European institution in gifted education.In the European context,these new institutions are ETSN (European Talent Support Network) and some smaller research and/or applicative organizations working with the gifted,such as ICIE (The International Centre for Innovation in Education) and IRATDE (The International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence).Moreover,a similar situation can be observed also in the USA (NAGC – National Association for Gifted Children),Australia (AAEGT – Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented) and Asia (APFG – Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness).During 2018 the members of the Centre for Research and Promotion of Giftedness at the Faculty of Education,University of Ljubljana (CRSN),participated in some international conferences in Europe.We provide brief information about each of them and conclude the report with the observed trends in research and practical work with the gifted.
其他摘要:Mednarodno dogajanje na področju obravnave oz.izobraževanja nadarjenih (angl.Gifted Education) postaja z leti čedalje bolj živahno.Organizaciji ECHA (angl.European Council for High Ability),najstarejši evropski instituciji na področju dela z nadarjenimi,se je v zadnjem obdobju pridružila mreža ETSN (angl.European Talent Support Network) ter več manjših organizacij,ki se raziskovalno in/ali aplikativno ukvarjajo z nadarjenimi,kot denimo ICIE (angl.The International Centre for Innovation in Education) in IRATDE (angl.The International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence).Podobno situacijo je zaznati v Združenih državah Amerike (organizacija NAGC ali angl.National Association for Gifted Children),Avstraliji (organizacija AAEGT ali angl.Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented ) in Aziji (organizacija APFG ali angl.AsiaPacific Federation on Giftedness).Člani Centra za raziskovanje in spodbujanje nadarjenosti na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani (CRSN) smo se v letošnjem letu udeležili nekaterih mednarodnih konferenc v evropskem kontekstu.V nadaljevanju podajamo kratke informacije o vsaki izmed njih in poročilo sklenemo z opaženimi smernicami na področju raziskovanja in dela z nadarjenimi.