摘要:E-education,e-learning and e-textbooks are concepts associated with modern education.Interactive e-textbooks represent a learning resource from which students can learn effectively.Even though contemporary students are skilful with technology in general,that does not mean they are skilful with technology based learning and may need guidance with such learning activities.In our research,we conducted an experiment in order to test the impact of teacher’s instructions on the academic achievements of high school students in learning with interactive e-textbooks.The study involved 83 high school students in their first year.There were 45 students in the experimental group (EG) and 38 students in the control group (CG).The students from the EG who have received teacher’s instructions on how to use multimedia and interactive elements of the e-textbook were more successful at learning than the students from the CG who did not get such instructions.Students of the EG perceived themselves as more competent and they used multimedia and interactive elements of a textbook more often than their peers from the CG.The results showed that students’ independent learning from e-textbooks can be more successful if the teacher provides clear instructions on how to use them.
其他摘要:E-izobraževanje,e-učenje in e-učbeniki so pojmi,povezani s sodobnim šolanjem.Interaktivni e-učbeniki predstavljajo učni vir,iz katerega se lahko učenci učinkovito učijo.Učenci,spretni v uporabi tehnologije,niso nujno spretni tudi pri učenju s tehnologijo,ampak pri tem potrebujejo usmeritve.V raziskavi smo s pomočjo eksperimenta preverjali vpliv učiteljevih navodil na učno uspešnost učencev pri učenju z interaktivnim e-učbenikom.V raziskavi je sodelovalo 83 dijakov 1.letnikov dveh gimnazij,od tega 45 v eksperimentalni (ES) in 38 v kontrolni skupini (KS).Dijaki ES,ki so prejeli učiteljeva navodila,kako uporabljati multimedijske in interaktivne elemente e-učbenika,so bili v primerjavi z dijaki KS,ki takšnih navodil niso prejeli,učno uspešnejši.Dijaki ES so se po učenju iz e-učbenika zaznavali kot nekoliko kompetentnejši ter so v nekoliko večji meri uporabljali multimedijske in interaktivne elemente tega učbenika kot njihovi vrstniki iz KS.Raziskava je pokazala,da je samostojno učenje dijakov iz eučbenika lahko uspešnejše,če jih učitelj s pomočjo navodil seznani,kako ga uporabljati.