摘要:Dr.Frank C.Worrell is Professor in the Graduate School of Education at the University of California,Berkeley.His current appointments include Faculty Director of the School Psychology program,Faculty Director of the California College Preparatory Academy,and Faculty Director of the Academic Talent Development Program.Prof.Worrell recently completed his term as the editor of Review of Educational Research and is an active member of several professional organizations,among them a Member at Large on the Board of Directors of the American Psychological Association (APA),an elected member of the Society for the Study of School Psychology,a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association,and a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science.His areas of research include academic talent development and gifted education,the education of atrisk youth,ethnic and racial identity,scale development and validation,teacher effectiveness,time perspective,and the translation of psychological research findings into school-based practice.Prof.Worrell is a recipient of many national awards for his outstanding work as a psychologist.He has been recently honored for contributions to school psychology with the 2016 Nadine M.Lambert Outstanding School Psychologist Award,sponsored by the California Association of School Psychologists.The award recognizes outstanding work of practicing school psychologists providing direct services to students,teachers,parents,or community agencies.
关键词:psychology in education;school psychologists;cultivation of learning potentials;time perception;eminence;interviews
其他关键词:psihologija v izobraževanju;šolski psihologi;kultiviranje učnih potencialov;zaznavanje časa;eminentnost;intervjuji