摘要:Every types of verbs have a specific distribution in the context of event in the written Indonesian tales narrative discourse (WNDBI).That specifics distribution implicate a specific verbs functions and meanings in the context of event in the WNBI.The use of verbs in the context of event in WNDBI are dominated by material-process verbs,relational-process verbs,and mental-process verbs.Types of clauses,internal pattern of clauses embedded by certain types of verbs,and characteristics of participants give effects on the functions and meaning of the clause in WNDBI.The distribution of verbs in WNDBI well dominated by the distribution of verbs in the relational event.The domination of relational event shows that the WNBI gives more explanation of causality and motivation.The domination of relational event also shows that the authors tend not to tell the main stories directly.
其他摘要:Setiap tipe verba memiliki distribusi yang khas pada konteks peristiwa dalam wacana narasi dongeng bahasa Indonesia (WNDBI).Distribusi yang khas itu mengimplikasikan adanya fungsi dan makna verba pada konteks peristiwa dalam WNDBI.Verba proses material,verba proses relasional,dan verba proses mental mendominasi penggunaan verba pada konteks peristiwa WNDBI.Jenis klausa,pola internal klausa,dan ciri karakteristik partisipan berpengaruh terhadap fungsi dan makna klausa tersebut pada konteks peristiwa WNDBI.Distribusi verba pada WNDBI didominasi oleh distribusi verba dalam peristiwa kaitan.Dominasi peristiwa kaitan menunjukkan bahwa WNDBI memberikan banyak penjelasan kausalitas dan motivasi.Dominasi peristiwa kaitan juga menunjukkan bahwa pengarang cenderung tidak menceritakan gagasan utama cerita secara langsung.