摘要:This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of Whole Brain Teaching and Reciprocal Teaching to teach reading comprehension to visual and auditory students in MTs Qodiriyah.The subject was eight graders.Class VIII A was the experiment class 1 and class VIII C was experiment class two.Every class consisted of 15 visual and 15 auditory students.This study was experimental research by using 2x2 factorial designs.The data collection was done by giving visual auditory kinesthetic (VAK) and reading comprehension tests.The data were analyzed by using ANOVA.The study revealed results.First,Whole Brain Teaching was effective to teach reading comprehension to visual and auditory students.Second,Reciprocal Teaching was effective to teach reading comprehension to visual and auditory students.Third,Reciprocal Teaching was more effective than Whole Brain Teaching in teaching reading comprehension to visual and auditory students.The last,there was no interaction between teaching techniques,students’ reading comprehension,and learning styles.In conclusion,Whole Brain Teaching and Reciprocal Teaching were effective applied in teaching reading comprehension to visual and auditory students.Although there was no interaction between three variables,the fact showed students’ reading comprehension achievement was influenced by teaching techniques not students’ learning styles.