摘要:The purpose of this research are: (1) description of characteristics and (2) validate thesenior hight school of mathematics syllabus integrated character education with the project assessment,(3) test the effectiveness of the learning material of function in class X. Testing procedure of syllabus and learning used research development of Borg & Gall (1987). The data were processed with descriptive analysis,statistical test t test and regression. The results obtained by the integration of the 10 characters on the senior hight school of mathematics syllabus show a valid syllabus by experts with an average score of 4 (both categories),the maximum score of 5. Test implementation on learning reach effective: (1) the percentage of learners achieve mastery learning by 89,5%; (2) an increase of characters curiosity of learners of meeting 1 to 2,up to 3,up to 4 each score gain of 0.17; 0.30; 0.31; (3) the influence of the curiosity of students to the learning outcomes of 48.9%,(4) the average learning outcomes of students experimental class (77.2) is better than the control class (76.2). Thus,each character can bring a change in behavior according to the character programmed and observed in the learning process in focus. Coordination learning at every level stated in the syllabus.
其他摘要:Tujuan penelitian ini (1) mengetahui gambaran karakteristik dan (2) memvalidasi silabus matematika SMA terintegrasi pendidikan karakter dengan asesmen proyek,(3) menguji keefektifan pembelajaran materi fungsi kelas X. Prosedur pengujian silabus dan implementasi pembelajaran digunakan penelitian pengembangan Borg & Gall (1987). Data diolah dengan analisis deskriptif,uji statistika uji t dan regresi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh pengintegrasian 10 butir karakter pada silabus matematika SMA yang dikembangkan menunjukkan silabus valid oleh pakar dengan rata-rata skor 4 (kategori baik),skor maksimum 5. Uji implementasi pada pembelajaran mencapai efektif: (1) persentase peserta didik mencapai ketuntasan belajar sebesar 89,5%; (2) adanya peningkatan karakter rasa ingin tahu peserta didik dari pertemuan 1 ke 2,lanjut ke 3,lanjut ke 4 masingmasing skor gain 0,17; 0,30; 0,31; (3) besar pengaruh rasa ingin tahu peserta didik terhadap hasil belajar sebesar 48,9%,(4) rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik kelas eksperimen (77,2) lebih baik dari pada kelas kontrol (76,2). Jadi,tiap butir karakter dapat membawa perubahan tingkah laku sesuai karakter yang diprogramkan dan diamati pada proses pembelajaran secara fokus. Koordinasi pembelajarannya di tiap-tiap jenjang tertuang dalam silabus.
其他关键词:Silabus Matematika SMA;Pendidikan Karakter;Asesmen Proyek;Sistem Spiral