摘要:Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kualitas soal ulangan biologi semester gasal kelas X di Petanahan,kabupaten Kebumen. Lokasi penelitian di SMA 1 Petanahan,MA Darussa’adah kritig dan MA Grogolpenatus tahun pelajaran 2010/2011. Data yang diambil adalah data kualitatif berupa hasil telaah soal berdasarkan kesesuaiannya dari segi materi,konstruksi dan bahasa. Data kuantitatif berupa validitas,reliabilitas,tingkat kesukaran,daya beda,dan efektivitas distraktor . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara kualitatif 75% soal sudah dapat digunakan.
其他摘要:The objective of this research was to describe the quality of the questions in biology summative test for X grade at Petanahan Subdistrict of Kebumen. The research was done at SMA 1 Petanahan,MA Darussa’adah kritig and MA Grogolpenatus in the academic year of 2011/2012. The data obtained for this study was qualitative assessment on the basis of compatibility of subject matters,test construction and linguistic aspect. The quantitative data included test validity,reliability,difficulty,distinction level,and also efectiveness of the distractor. The results showed that 75% questions have been reasy for use,and < 10% questions should be deleted. Based on the quantitative assessment,SMA item tests were valid,higly reliable,and of medium difficulty index,and the distractors were effective. In general,40% items could be used for test banking,42% of them needed to be revised,and 18% had to be dileted. For MA,there were 40% of items that needed to be revised and 60% of them had to be dileted. The conclution of this research was that the most of test items needed to be improved.