摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui implementasi program adiwiyata,perilaku warga sekolah dalam kegiatan pengelolaan lingkungan sekolah dan pengetahuan siswa tentang lingkungan hidup di SMA Negeri 1 Jekulo. Hasil penelitian ini adalah implementasi program adiwiyata dari 4 program yang diterapkan telah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan standar sekolah Adiwiyata menurut kriteria Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup. Namun terdapat hambatan-hambatan mengenai alokasi dana/anggaran yang belum sepenuhnya terealisasikan dan keterbatasan sumber daya manusia. Sebesar 54,62% perilaku warga sekolah dalam kegiatan pengelolaan lingkungan sekolah memiliki kriteria baik dan pengetahuan siswa tentang lingkungan hidup sangat tinggi yaitu 99,07%. Diharapkan program Adiwiyata perlu diterapkan di sekolah-sekolah untuk membentuk pengetahuan dan perilaku peduli terhadap lingkungan bagi warga sekolah.
其他摘要:The purpose of this research for valuation about the implementation of Adiwiyata program,the behaviour of people in the school in many activities of school environment management and the knowledge of students about living environment in SMA N 1 Jekulo. The result of this research is the implementation of Adiwiyata program from 4 programs that have been applied based on Asiwiyata school standard of the Living Environment Goverment. However,there are some constraints for the allocation of funds/budgets that have not been fully realized and the united of human resources. The behaviour people in the school that include good criteria in school environment management activities reach 54,62% and the knowledge of students about living environment that have high achivement reach 99,07%. Adiwiyata program is expected to be applied in the schools to build the knowledge and the our behaviour that care about the environment for school comunity.
其他关键词:cooperatif model type talking stick ;Innovative lesson;folklore attentive;multimedia quiz creator.