摘要:Pembelajaran berbasis laboratorium menekankan kegiatan praktikum di laboratorium sebagai komponen utama dalam proses belajar mengajar. Hal ini akan mewujudkan hakikat Biologi yang menekankan pada pemberian pengalaman secara langsung. Perlu adanya penelitian lebih mendalam mengenai seberapa jauh pembelajaran ini diimplementasikan oleh guru dan bagaimana sebenarnya implikasinya terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) guru dan siswa memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap pembelajaran berbasis laboratorium; 2) guru telah mengimplementasikan pembelajaran berbasis laboratorium pada materi Biologi kelas XI semester genap tahun pelajaran 2012/2013; 3) guru sudah menyiapkan silabus,RPP dan LKS sebagai perangkat pembelajaran Biologi berbasis laboratorium; 4) kualitas hasil belajar siswa kelas XI pada materi sistem pencernaan semester genap berada dalam kategori baik (72,73%) dan sangat baik (27,27%); 5) Sekolah telah dilengkapi laboratorium guna menunjang proses pembelajaran Biologi berbasis laboratorium.
其他摘要:This learning emphasizes practical activities in the laboratory as the principal component in the teaching learning process. This will attain the essence of Biology which puts emphasis on giving experience directly. It needs the further study about how far this learning has been implemented by the teachers and its implications to the students’ achievement. The results of this research showed that 1) the teacher and the students gave positive responses to laboratory based learning; 2) teachers have implemented laboratory based learning in the Biology materials in the even semester of grade XI in the academic year of 2012/2013; 3) teachers have prepared the syllabi,lesson plans,and students’ worksheets as learning media for laboratory based biology learning; 4) the quality of students’ achievement in grade XI on the digestion system material in the even semester can be categorized as good (72,73%) and very good (27,27%); 5) the schools have Biology laboratory to support the application of laboratory based learning.
其他关键词:laboratory based learning;profile;students’ achievement