摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji proses pengembangan dan keefektifan media DGBL pada pembelajaran sistem reproduksi manusia di SMP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Ada dua tahapan dalam penelitian ini,yaitu tahap proses pengembangan media DGBL (identifikasi potensi dan masalah,pengumpulan data,desain produk,validasi desain,revisi desain,uji coba skala kecil,dan revisi produk) dan uji efektivitas (uji pemakaian,revisi produk,dan produk akhir). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 80,39% siswa nilainya≥ 75; 86,27% siswa minatnya baik;dan 82,35% siswa sangat aktif. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah media DGBLefektif dan layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada materi sistem reproduksi manusia di SMP.
其他摘要:The study aimed to analyze the process of development and effectiveness of DGBL media on human’s reproduction materials at Junior High Schools. This was Research and Development (R&D) work. There were two steps in conducting this research,the first one was the process of developing DGBL media (potential and problem identification,data collection,product design,design validation,limited scale trial,and product revising). The second one was its effectiveness tests (test of use,product revising,dan final product). In this study the effectiveness was measured by more than 75% of total students who gained grade score ≥ 75,who had good interest in learning,and who were very active. According to the result of the study the DGBL media was effective and feasible as the learning media in the human’s reproduction material at Junior High School.
其他关键词:Digital games based learning media;Human reproduction system;Result of