期刊名称:Cakrawala Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
出版社:Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
摘要:This study was a causal espouse fact study intended to find out and uncover direct and in-direct effects of organizational culture,organizational structure,and job-satisfaction on teachers’ job-performance.The sample consisting of 143 out of 645 publichigh school teachers were selected from 10 senior high schools by using the stratified random sampling technique.The teachers were those having teaching experience of at least 10 years and they had been certified as professional teachers and received certification fees continuously,except for guidance and counseling teachers.The findings showed that organizational culture,organizational structure and job-satisfaction had a positive impact on teachers’ job-performance.The direct and indirect effectsof organizational culture on job-satisfac-tion were 21.20%,and 10.00% respectively.The direct and indirect effects of organizational culture on job-performance were 23.20% and 22.80% respectively.The direct effect of organizational struc-ture on job-performance was 29.50%.Meanwhile,the indirect effect of organizational structure on job-performance was not significant.Finally,the direct effect of job-satisfaction on job-performance was 18.60%.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kausal espousefacts yang dimaksudkan untuk meng-ungkapefeklangsungdantidaklangsung budaya organisasi,struktur organisasi,dan kepuasan kerjater-hadap kinerja.Sampel terdiri atas 143 dari 645 guru SMAyang diambildari 10 SMA di Medan yang diambil dengan teknik stratified random sampling techmiques.Sampel gurupaling tidakmemiliki pe-ngalaman mengajar 10 tahundan telah disertifikasi sebagai guru profesional.Data dianalisis dengan teknik regresi dan sebelumnya telah diujinormalitas dan linearitas sebarannya.Temuan penelitian me-nunjukkan bahwa budaya organisasi,struktur organisasi dan kepuasan kerja memberi dampak positif terhadapkinerja guru SMA Kota Medan.Pengaruh langsung dan pengaruh tidak langsung budaya or-ganisasi terhadapkepuasankerjamasing-masing21,20%,dan 10,00%.Efek langsung dantidak lang-sung budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja masing-masing 23,20% dan 22.80%.Efek langsung dari struktur organisasi terhadap kinerjaada29,50%,sedangkan pengaruh tidak langsung dari struktur or-ganisasi terhadapkinerja tidak fignificant.Akhirnya,efek langsung darikepuasankerjaterhadap ki-nerja ada 18,60%.