期刊名称:Cakrawala Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
出版社:Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
摘要:This study aimed to investigate the effect of weight training on the leg muscle strength and kick performance of soccer players.The subjects consisting of eleven players were divided into two groups.Five players belonging to the experimental group performed a ten-week weight training (three times per week),along with their regular soccer training.Six players belonging to the control group maintained their regular soccer training,without any additional weight training.The weight training not only improved the leg muscle strength significantly but also improved the angkle joint velocity and the ball velocity.The control group with the regular soccer training did not show any significant improve-ment on the leg muscle strength and the ball velocity.The findings of this study indicated that thestrength of the leg muscle is a very important factor in the kick performance.
其他摘要:Tujuanpenelitianiniadalah untukmengetahuipengaruhlatihanbeban padakekuatan ototkakidankemampuan menendangpemainsepak bola.Subjekyang berjumlah sebelas orang dibagimen-jadi duakelompok.Limapemainkelompok eksperimen melakukanlatihanbebantiga kalipermingguselama sepuluh mingguyang dilakukan secara bersamaandenganlatihansepak bola.Enampemainkelompok kontrolhanya melakukan latihansepak bola tanpalatihanbeban yang berlatih bersama kelompok yang melakukan latihan beban.Pengaruh latihan bebantidakhanyameningkatkan secara sig-nifikanpadakekuatanototkaki,tetapijugameningkatkankecepatandaripergelangan kaki dankecepat-anbola.Kelompokkontrolyanghanya melakukan latihansepak bola,tidak menunjukkanpeningkatanyang berarti baik pada kekuatan ototkakimaupun kecepatan bola.Hasilpenelitian inimenunjukkanbahwa kekuatan otot kakimerupakan salah satu faktorpentingdi dalamkemampuan menendang.