首页    期刊浏览 2025年02月28日 星期五


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  • 作者:Nurlan Kusmaedi
  • 期刊名称:Cakrawala Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
  • 印刷版ISSN:0216-1370
  • 电子版ISSN:2442-8620
  • 出版年度:2012
  • 期号:2
  • 页码:323-335
  • DOI:10.21831/cp.v5i2.1566
  • 语种:Indonesian
  • 出版社:Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • 摘要:Pembelajaran Gaya Hidup Sehat menuju Tingkat Sehat Prima Terpadu Sepanjang Hayat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengeksplorasi danmenjelaskan manajemenpembelajarangaya hidup sehatsebagai upayauntuk meningkatkankualitas hidupsehat untukmencapaitingkat sehat prima terpadu sepanjang hayat,dan kemudianuntuk menghasilkan modelempiris-konseptual.Secara metodologispenelitian inimenggunakan pendekatan kualitatifdengan subjekterbatas,melalui prosedur penelitian danpengembangan.Metode deskriptifdigunakan dengansubyekterbatasyang berpartisipasi dalampenelitian lapangan.Mereka adalahlima orangtua danlima institusidi mana merekaaktif terlibatdalam kegiatanlembagadi Bandung danJatinangor,dan metode eksperimendengan pretestke-lompok kontrol dandesain posttest,sedangkan subjek30 oranglanjut usiaberumur enam puluhatau lebih darienam puluhan,yang terdiri15 oranguntukkelompok kontrol dan15 oranguntukkelompok eksperimen.Hasilpenelitian inidirumuskanberbagai upayaseperti perencanaanbelajar-mengajar,pelaksanaan,evaluasi,efek yang dihasilkan,dan kemudian menghasilkan modelsebagai paradigmabarumodel pembelajaran gaya hidupsehat menujutingkat sehat prima terpadu sepanjang hayat.
  • 其他摘要:Teaching Learning of Healthy Life Style toward Long Life Integrated High Level Wellness.The study aims to explore and explain healthy life style teaching learning management as an effort to increase the quality of healthy life in order to reach the long life integrated high level wellness,and then to produce an empiric-conceptual model.Methodologically the study uses qualitative approach with limited subject,through research and development procedure.Descriptive method is used with the limited subjects participating in the field research.They were five elderly people and five institutionswhere they are actively involved in the institution activities in Bandung and Jatinangor,and experiment method with control group pre test and post test design,whereas the subject were 30 elderly people of sixty or more than sixties ages,consisting 15people for control group and 15 people for experimental group.The result of the study were formulated many efforts such as teaching learning planning,actuating,evaluating,and resulting effect,and then producing a model as a new paradigm of healthy life style teaching learning model into integrated high level wellness.
  • 关键词:multidimensi kesehatan;gaya hidup sehat;sepanjang hayat;tingkat sehat prima
  • 其他关键词:multi dimention of health;healthy life style;elderly;integrated high level wellness