期刊名称:Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie
出版社:Academica Brâncuşi
摘要:Since the Second World War,corporations have evolved into one of the main institutions in the world.They have become the single most important legal person “who” sets out the rules of the game,the board being the social,political and economic world map.Throughout the history,the corporation has transcended from simple,family structured businesses,to an entity so complex,it may be regarded as a complete system;a town with all it’s necessary facilities;a working family unit,self-sustained,and with its own believes,faith and culture.The aims of our paper are to analyze the evolution of the first ten big transnational and multinational corporations in the world by their turnover and profit in the period 2008-2010.The business world is dominated by a huge number of multinational and transnational corporations.The research type is a literature review.
关键词:multinational and transnational corporations;turnover;profit;globalization;big business