摘要:Groundwater is the most important source of drinking water in eastern Croatia and it is characterized with high water hardness and elevated concentrations of iron, manganese, arsenic and natural organic matter which negatively affects aesthetic properties and health safety of drinking water. Drinking water quality standards can be achieved by coagulation and flocculation processes followed by filtration. Efficiency of this method is influenced by chemical and physical properties of raw water, type and dose of coagulant, mixing intensity and mixing time. This study investigated the influence of mixing intensity and mixing time on performance of coagulation and flocculation process for aerated low-turbid groundwater from water-well “Jarčevac”. Influence of mixing was tested using two iron-based coagulants (ferric chloride and ferrous sulfate). Samples were mixed in two sets at constant pH of 7.5 and constant initial total iron concentration. Efficiency of coagulation and flocculation process was determined based on initial and final value of following parameters: amount of natural organic matter, water hardness, alkalinity, concentration of total iron, pH and electrical conductivity. Obtained results showed that ferric chloride is more efficient for treatment of groundwater from “Jarčevac” water-well.
其他摘要:Najvažniji izvori vode za piće na području istočne Hrvatske su podzemne vode koje karakterizira visoka tvrdoća i povišene koncentracije željeza, amonija, mangana, arsena i organskih tvari, što negativno utječe na organoleptička svojstva i zdravstvenu ispr
关键词:drinking water treatment;coagulation and flocculation;iron-based coagulants;mixing
其他关键词:kondicioniranje vode;koagulacija i flokulacija;željezovi koagulanti;miješanje