摘要:Recent history has shown that extreme hydrological events as flood and droughts can create additional stress on water supplies essential for human and ecosystem health. Floods have caused immense economic and social losses, mainly as a result of unplanned urbanization, uncontrolled population density and not strictly inspected construction by authorities. The purpose of Directive 2007/60/EC is to establish a framework for the assessment and management of flood risks, aiming at the reduction of the adverse consequences for human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity associated with floods in the Community. The main aim of this paper is to present way of flood risk assessment and management in conditions of Slovak republic.
其他摘要:Nedavna povijest je pokazala da ekstremni hidrološki događaji kao poplava i suša, naglašavaju potrebu za zalihama vode neophodne ljudskom zdravlju i ekosustavu. Poplave su uzrokovale ogromne ekonomske i socijalne gubitke, uglavnom kao rezultat neplanirane
关键词:flood;flood risk assessment;eastern Slovakia
其他关键词:poplava;procjena rizika od poplave;istočna Slovačka