标题:Characteristic of Shallow Subsurface Lithology Based on Ground Probing Radar Data Interpretation at Temaju Coast, Sambas District, West Kalimantan Province
其他标题:Karakteristik Litologi Bawah Permukaan Dangkal Berdasarkan Penafsiran Data “Ground Probing Radar” di Pantai Temaju, Kabupaten Sambas, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat
摘要:In order to know the subsurface lithology characteristic at Temaju coast, the Ground Probing Radar (GPR) detection have been carried out. The detection was done along the coast around 11 GPR track line. The equipment which was used are SIR III with 270 MHz antenna. Based on the analysis results of GPR image data which were correlated with the exposed of surface lithology and core drilling log, show that the maximum penetration is about 10 m with the lithology composition as follow: the upper most layer is characterized by sand deposits with about 2 – 3 m width. Below the sand layer is characterized by coral limestone and sandstone.
其他摘要:Untuk mengetahui karakteristik litologi bawah permukaan di sekitar pantai Temaju, telah dilakukan penditeksian dengan mempergunakan metoda Ground Probing Radar (GPR). Penditeksian telah dilakukan pada sekitar 11 panjang lintasan di sepanjang pantai. Peral