摘要:Observations of coastal characteristics, such as coastal constituent lithology, oceanographic processes and the influence of human activities along the coastal area, are the factors that affect the coastal typology. The typology of coastal area can be divided into 3 types namely: (1) Sandy beaches, dominated by medium size quartz sand, gravelly sand and silt of alluvium deposits ; (2) Rocky beaches that belong to the Tanjung Buku Granite lithologic units and Persing metamorphic complex, its beach slope between 5° and 15°, and a fault structure encountered. The steep beach slopes (45°-50°) trends to offshore with the maximum depth of 28 meters below the sea level at the distance of 3.5 km from the its shore line. At the depth of 20 m, there are a foot slope of 1.5 km width interpreted as the fault plane; (3) Muddy beaches is characterized by mangroves, gentle beach slopes until flats. Those sandy and muddy beaches are alluvial deposits of Quarternary sediments.
其他摘要:Pengamatan karakteristik pantai, seperti litologi penyusun tubuh pantai, proses-proses oseanografi serta pengaruh aktivitas manusia di sepanjang pantai merupakan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tipologi pantai. Tipe pantai di daerah penelitian, dapat diba
关键词:Coastal characteristics;relief;oceanographic processes and South Singkep
其他关键词:Karakteristik pantai;relief;proses oseanografi dan Singkep Selatan