摘要:The decreasing of fossil fuel reserves in the conventional reservoir has made geologists and geophysicists to explore alternative energy source that could answer energy needs in the future. Therefore the exploration of oil and gas that is still trapped in the source rock (shale) is needed, and one of them still developed in shale gas. The method of Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) Inversion is used for Lambda-Mu-Rho attributes, that is expected to assess values of physical parameters of shale. Fort Worth Basin is chosen to be a study area because, the Barnett Shale Formation has proven contains of oil and gas. This study using synthetic seismic data, based on geological model and well log data obtained from Vermylen (2012). It is expected from the study of Barnett Shale that related to shale gas development could be applied.
其他摘要:Penurunan cadangan bahan bakar fosil pada reservoar konvensional membuat ahli geologi dan geofisika mengeksplorasi sumber energi alternatif guna menjawab kebutuhan energi di masa depan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan eksplorasi minyak dan gas yang masih terpe