摘要:The identification of quality and condition of the coral reef in the study areas will support the biological diversity and it frequently contains a valuable assortment of natural resources, conservation of marine biota. The environmental problem particularly on the coastal area needs a more comprehensive management due to the complexity of the rapidly growth. Karimata Archipelago geographically is located between 108o 40' - 109o 10' E and 1o 25' - 1o 50' S and administratively belongs to the Ketapang Regency (approximate 100 km west side of Ketapang). In the study area, the growth of coral reef is dominated by non-Acropora type arised between the depths 3-15m. The condition is somewhat good to good. Karimata Archipelago consist of two big islands they are Karimata Island (Studied area) and Serutu Island and also some other isles, with the topography from low land to high land having the height of about 1030 meters from sea level.
其他摘要:Identifikasi kualitas dan kondisi terumbu karang di daerah penelitian dapat menopang keanekaragaman biologi yang pada akhirnya dapat berperan sebagai kawasan konservasi biota laut. Masalah kepekaan lingkungan khususnya di wilayah pantai dan pesisir memerl
关键词:Coral reef;Karimata coast;West Kalimantan
其他关键词:Terumbu karang;Pantai Karimata;Kalimantan Barat