摘要:The GSSI Ground Penetrating radar have been used to profile the shallow depth of subsurface geology of several area of Land Coastal zone in Indonesia Analysis of a large data base of GPR profile from natural subsurface geological condition along the land coast line have allowed identification of reflection configuration that characterize this type of sub surface geological environment. In many contamination problem, the geological information of coastal area is sparse and drillcore description only gives a limited picture of the geometry of inhomogeneties. The GroundProbing Radar (GPR) method is a promising tool for resolving changes of physical properties in subsurface geological condition at the scale of natural inhomogeneties arising from changing lithology composition. The objective of present work are to examine whether and to what extent the characteristic lithofacies of subsurface lithology can be recognised as mapable reflection pattern on ground probing radar (GPR) reflection profiles in order to gain information about the subsurface geometry of subsurface geology in coastal area.
其他摘要:Ground probing radar produksi GSSI telah dipergunakan untuk membuat penampang geologi bawah permukaan dangkal di beberapa kawasan pantai Indonesia. Analisa data dasar penampang GPR dari geologi bawah permukaan di kawasan pantai dapat memperlihatkan konfig