标题:Outgroup Contact in the Process of Leaving Terrorism: Qualitative Study on Deradicalization and Disengagement Among Former Jamaah Islamiyah Members in Indonesia
摘要:Leaving terrorism is a real thing that happened among Indonesian terrorists. Nevertheless, some experts and laypersons often do not believe that terrorists will leave their groups and their ideology. This study scrutinized leaving terrorism among Indonesia terrorists and push fectors that lead to their transformation to be moderate and refuse violence in the pursuit of their goals. This study is based on interviews with five members Jamaah Islamiyah and twenty-five people that are related to them from friends and femilies. This study confirms that out-groups contact, including the targeted out-groups contact, becomes an important push fector for the subject to leave terrorism.
其他摘要:Meninggalkan jalan terror adalah peristwa nyata yang terjadi di kalangan teroris Indonesia. Banyak ahli dan kaum awam yang tidak percaya bahwa terrorist bisa meninggalkan ideologi dan kelompok teroris. Studi ini mengkaji tentang meninggalkan jalan terror