摘要:Abu al-Mu‘în al-Nasafî is one of the most important theologians of Maturidiyyah Kalam School.He explains his theological opinions generally in “Tabsiratu’l-adilla fî usûli’d-dîn” and his other books.Al-Nasafî depends on two things in human beings acts: One of them is the creator of the whole acts is only Allah.Second,human beings are definitely responsible for their acts (kasb/acquisition).According to al-Nasafî,man acquires his own acts by using his own will;but no doubt that the creator of his acts is Allah.The responsibility of man is because of his acquisition in his act.While al-Nasafî explains his ideas about human acts he refers to some opinions of Mu’tazilah’s and criticizes them.The one of Mu’tazilah’s opinions that an-Nasafi criticizes is “Man creates his own acts not Allah.” Another matter that al-Nasafî criticizes on the opinions of Mu’tazilah is that,power for act comes before acts.Whereas according to al-Nasafî,the power of act is present the time of act.
关键词:Al-Nasafî;Mu’tazilah;Act;Power of act;Creation;Acquisition;Power