出版社:National Defense University Barbaros Naval Sciences and Engineering Institute Journal of Naval Science and Engineering
摘要:Referring 3rd IMO GHG study maritime transport is responsible for about 2.5% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions emitting around 940 million tons of CO2 annually.This emission figure is projected to increase significantly if serious mitigation measures are not put in place.Thanks to the studies conducted by IMO GHG emissions from international shipping to be reduced,actually the projection of the reduction amount is 50% achieved by 2050 compared to 2008.Today,navy vessels are not responsible for the IMO emission regulations as commercial vessels,but special regulations may appear in the future.Therefore energy analysis can be needed also for the naval vessels in the future.In this paper,the initial step for performing a ship energy system analysis,which is called “Reference Energy System”,has been developed for a generic frigate.The aim of this work is to provide to open a window for energy analysis of naval platforms.
其他摘要:IMO’nun 3.sera gazı emisyonu çalışmasına göre deniz taşımacılığı yılda yaklaşık 940 milyon ton CO2 gazı salmakta ve bu da küresel sera gazı salımının (emisyon) yaklaşık %2.5’u kadardır.Ciddi önemler alınmadığı takdirde bu rakamların önemli ölçüde artacağı
关键词:Ship Energy System Analysis;Reference Energy System;Frigate;Emission Control Areas;Greenhouse Gases
其他关键词:Gemi Enerji Sistemi Analizi;Referans Enerji Sistemi;Fırkateyn;Emisyon Kontrol Alanları;Sera Gazları