出版社:National Defense University Barbaros Naval Sciences and Engineering Institute Journal of Naval Science and Engineering
摘要:Acoustic waves hold oscillations of pressure,displacement and temperature.The interaction of these effects in gas close to a solid surface generates thermoacoustic oscillations.Some prototypes of coolers are being constructed using the principles of thermoacoustics nowadays.Even though the coefficient of performance of thermoacoustic systems is lower than the conventional coolers,the concern on the thermoacoustic systems has been increased since these systems are cheap,simple and do not use harmful gases for the atmosphere and do not have any moving parts compared to the conventional coolers.Thermoacoustic coolers are one of the potential cooling technologies of the future.
其他摘要:Akustik dalgalar içerisinde basınç,pozisyon ve sıcaklık salınımları mevcuttur.Bu etkilerden dolayı akışkan ve akışkana temas eden katı yüzey arasındaki ısıl etkileşimler termoakustik olarak adlandırılır.Bu etkileşimlerden faydalanılarak inşa edilen ısı ve